Astrophotography Help |
I have set this page up to use as a file repository for questions and file posting that will allow me to get or provide help to others hobbyists. You can reach me at or on CloudyNights forum as MadMan Mike |
12/16/11 Update: Home made collimation setup further results - After aligning using the brightest spot in my test images below such that it did not move while rotating the camera, I still had a uniform tilt to my CCD Inspector results. I suspected that if I lessened the angle between the laser and the CCD (made it more perpendicular), it might be better. It did and I now have a perfectly collimated camera. I moved the pen such that it almost eliminated the angle while still allowing the beam to pass to the side of the pen and onto a projection wall some 4 feet away. Projecting onto a wall provides more accuracy than the roofing shingle did. Good luck! |
Original Angle - beam to CCD surface - Collimation Results |
Significantly Lessened Angle Collimation Results. Could be just luck and not the angle - but I do think CCD inspector works well based on just looking at how the image brightned and tightened. |
20 second image of Messier 35. Tak 106 fsq at prime. No changes to focus or setup between pictures. Only one image was taken with each attempted collimation (other than a wrong exposure in between) and the 2nd results were achieved on the first try (colltest3). |
To the right: the original 'all wood' testing platform. Televue Extension instead |
Files Section: |
The objective is to get the CCD surface spot to center when the camera is spun. Below is my current collimation rig with my 60Da doing 4 second exposure while I spun the camera. Collimation is almost perfect (images right) I think or I would see 3 circles in the center. |